Now leaving the Sanctum...

As the Sanctum recedes behind your ship, you enter the depths of deep space. All is still and empty save for the rumble of nuclear drives beneath you.

You peer out through a porthole and find the brilliant light of the Milky Way streaking through the endless void.

As the ship slowly turns, something else comes into view. A nebula. All around you is a cloud of radiant interstellar gas and dust, glowing faint blue in the light of nearby stars.

And then you arrive: before your ship is a gateway across interstellar space, a colossal ring bridging a distance you cannot begin to comprehend. It seems to shimmer, beckoning you to enter.

You are approaching humanity's superhighway; A network connecting all of civilization. Do you wish to leave the comfort of the Sanctum and explore the universe?

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Much more to be added here I'm just kinda lazy rn tbh

Yuril's Homepage - Very cool and chill person who I know in real life. Runs the local college furry club.

Maia Arson Crimew - Pure basedness. Kittens, music, programming, a leaked no-fly list, and a publisher of leaked emails between anti-lgbt groups and individuals, among other things.

Omniafui's Site - Awesome psychadelic-looking site with some great nuggets of wisdom.


Aurora - An awesome fantasy webcomic made by Red from OSP. You gotta see it for yourself. It's so good

Kill Six Billion Demons - Multiverse, magic, angels, demons, and gay romance. This webcomic has it all.

White Noise - A fantasy webcomic about gay monsters. Great trans rep, too.

Tiger, Tiger - A young noblewoman steals a ship and sails the high seas to research sea sponges. Very gay.

Post-Fable - Furry webcomic about a civilization of anthros trying to find purpose and harmony on an artificial world.

Daughter of the Lilies - Another great fantasy webcomic.


Sunset System - Robots explore the remains of human civilization in a retrofuturistic solar system.

Runaway to the Stars - Hard sci-fi slice of life type project/comic, with really neat characters and cool worldbuilding.

Simon Stålenhag - Retro sci-fi books and paintings. One of my greatest artistic inspirations. His style is awesome. - Pure art. Need I say more?

King Salmon - The coolest hard sci-fi artworks I've ever seen.


Brandon Sanderson - One of my favorite authors. Most of his fantasy novels take place in a shared universe known as the Cosmere.

Discworld - One of the best fantasy series ever written. GNU Terry Pratchett!


Butkus Free Camera Manuals - Free camera manuals for vintage film cameras. Never pay a manual site again!

MiniDisc Wiki - A community-maintained wiki for everything MiniDisc. Still active. Discover/rediscover the best physical media format!

MiniDisc Community Portal - Another MiniDisc community site. Probably hasn't been updated since 2004, but it's still a good resource for tips and tricks.


Fantasy Name Generators - Are you a writer, a dungeon master, or otherwise a creative mind in need of names? Well, this website has a great variety of names, from real life cultures to fictional locations. - Make your own blinkies from a huge collection of templates!

Pixel Sea - Handy gif search engine for all your homepage needs.

GifCities - A massive archive of GeoCities gifs.

Cloudhiker - Surf the web!

W3Schools - A website to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. Great for starting your own site.

DuckDuckGo - The best search engine. Great privacy, accurate results. Stick it to Google, use DuckDuckGo!


Magic Words - A simple, fun TTRPG that I'm definitely gonna try out with my friends sometime.

Your World of Text - An infinite, interactive text canvas.
